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Not All Heroes Wear Capes




Who do you think of when you hear the word hero? Maybe you imagine Superman or Wonder Woman. Perhaps you think of someone a little less famous, like your fourth grade math teacher who believed in you when no one else would, or your mom, dad, brother, sister, or spouse who works tirelessly to provide for your family.

Although Superman and Wonder Woman wear capes, not all heroes do. Most of the time, the heroes who mean the most to us aren’t flashy at all. They are selfless, humble, and often overlooked. This is why it is important that we intentionally set aside time to recognize and thank the heroes in our world; those who have sacrificed in countless ways for the good of others. Today, we recognize and thank our veterans who selflessly risk and often sacrifice their own lives for us in America.

Heroes can be found around the world, but true to their selfless nature, they do not bring attention to themselves. Sometimes, we have to seek out heroes, and we can’t simply look for capes.

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

— John 15:13

When Blood:Water was still just an idea and a goal to build 1,000 wells in Africa, Founder and Senior Development Officer Dan Haseltine said, “Somehow we need to be about identifying Africa’s hidden heroes and to partner with them in their vision for change.” This has been our guiding strategy since 2004, and along the way, we have partnered with 20 organizations comprised of Africa’s hidden heroes.

Today, take time to thank our nation’s heroes who have sacrificed so much for us, and we encourage you to seek out heroes in your day-to-day experiences. A holiday is not required for us to recognize the humble, hidden heroes who are all around us. Remember, they probably won’t be wearing capes.


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