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The Advent season is one of waiting for that which is coming. We hope you are enjoying our curated Advent readings and original Christmas recordings, and that they have been a useful tool to help you set your mind and heart on the necessity of Christ.
Today, let your thoughts be guided by this original poem by Sally Lloyd-Jones.


In the beginning,
before there was anything,
God’s building block—from which he would make the entire universe—was…


Out of the Void
The Abyss
The Emptiness
The Nothing
God makes

His other building block?


The Bible says God hovered over the chaos—over the disorder, the darkness, the confusion—and out of that makes the universe.

Out of chaos, he makes…

…the butterfly

…tomatoes growing on vines

…sun, moon and a thousand stars—all turning, wheeling, orbiting together in a delicate dance.

This is not the clash of violent forces
making the world by chance.
This is an artist
creating his masterpiece.

Not because he has to.
But because he wants to.

For the sheer joy of it.

Doing what he loves to do.
Working with his favorite materials—

Filling the emptiness.
Lighting the dark.
Turning chaos to Joy.

But sin lives in our hearts, unleashing chaos once more, working backwards—unraveling God’s beautiful creation, breaking his perfect world, un-creating everything: turning life to death, joy to sadness, hope to despair, light to darkness, order to chaos.

But God would once again turn chaos to Joy.

This time not hovering over the chaos.
But entering into it.
Taking the chaos into his own heart.
Mending his broken world
And in mending it

For, one night, long ago in Bethlehem,
Into the chaos of homelessness and poverty
Into the chaos of breaking hearts
Into the chaos of darkness and hate and tears and sickness and dying…

A Light.

A Word.

A Child.

–Sally Lloyd-Jones

© Sally Lloyd-Jones

The latest book by Sally Lloyd-Jones, The Story of God’s Love for You, is available now.

You can download Blood:Water’s complete Advent guide and original Christmas recordings at

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