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A Little (Wally) Guessing Game


Bet ya don’t know what this is…


How about this?


Here’s a hint… Wally is in Zambia.

Not a good enough hint? Both images have everything to do with his trip!

Have you figured it out?

Well, soon enough, Wally’s going to fill you in on his new plan. In fact, he wants YOU to be a part of it. You’ll definitely want to join him, because it’s big. So big you won’t even believe it!

I don’t want to say too much, but you know the drill. Tune in to The Wally Show on your local WAY-FM station Tuesday, May 5, through Friday, May 8, or listen online at to learn all about this huge new plan.

Still no guesses?

May 5 it will all become clear!

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