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Kenya Help?



Imagine living in a world where you don’t have running water. Imagine living in a world where a bush is your toilet. Imagine living in a world where all you do is walk day after day to find suitable drinking water. Imagine living in a world where you have no access to medicine to fight a powerful virus. That is the world for many Kenyans.

A small group of people recently returned to the States after visiting Blood:Water’s partners at work in Kenya. And, while improvements are happening, there is still work to be done.

Many of you know one of the people who went on that trip to Africa. He challenges you on your way to work. He begins your day with laughter. And, he’s not afraid to say what he believes. Any guesses? Wally of WAY-FM of course. And, this week, Wally has one question for you. ‘Kenya help?’ As in ‘can ya help?’ but ‘Kenya help?’

Kenya help build a sanitary latrine at a school?

Kenya help people with HIV get the life saving drugs they need?

Kenya help a mother get clean water for her child?

As Wally puts it, for most of us, it isn’t really a question of can we help—it’s a question of will we?

So, we invite you to join Wally on WAY-FM and this week, May 6-9, as he works to fight the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa.

Kenya help?

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