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Passing the Time


Most little boys we meet in Africa love to play football—little boys like Gift.

Gift doesn’t own a football, but he doesn’t let that stop him. He wads up and ties together a bunch of trash bags to create a ball.

Gift practices his football skills every day as he walks to get water. Juggling, kicking and chasing the ball make the time go by faster.

But, let’s take a moment to really to really let that sink in. Gift plays soccer to pass the time as he walks to get water. The journey is long enough he has to pass time.

Imagine your little soccer (football) player not running to the kitchen to grab a refreshing glass of water, but, instead, walking, juggling, kicking his way to a stream—a stream filled with water that can make your little one sick… really sick.

Gift dreams of a day where he no longer get sick from drinking dirty water.

Please help shorten his walk and bring clean water access to his community.

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