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Kenya Help? Update: See What YES has Meant


Last year, Wally asked the loyal listeners of The Wally Show on WAY-FM, Kenya Help?The answer was a resounding, “yes!” And because of the generosity of Wally’s listeners, huge things are happening in Kenya. In fact, more than 2,000 moms, dads, and kids are receiving medical treatment and access to safe, clean water.

Raintank in Progress

Completed Raintank

One group of women even received a brick press so they could build rain tanks for their community. We had the opportunity to check in on the group recently, and got to see one of the completed rain tanks that has been built using the brick the women made.

This completed water tank means safe, clean water is more accessible in the women’s community! We are so grateful for each person who responded with a huge YES when Wally asked Kenya Help?


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