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Africa in the News


Courtesy: The New York Times

Courtesy: The New York Times

I flipped through the news headlines about Africa this morning. The first one that came up was how Boko Haram, the Nigeria-based militant group, and ISIS have bonded new ties. Amidst these ties, American and European force are rushing to train African counterterrorism troops to be able to fight back against both groups. You can read more about that news headline here.

When it comes to such topics, it’s easier to glance over them out of fear or perhaps being so far removed. But, it’s a good reminder that we must be constant in prayer. We must pray for our brothers and sister in Africa. We must pray for the persecuted. We must pray for our leaders in their decisions. We must pray for the hearts of man.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” – 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)

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